Monday 8 July 2013

Starting from the bottom.

So.. You’ve got the money, you’re flicking through the Bad Dragon home page and everything looks so delicious.. What do you choose?

Now that all depends on what you’re after! Are you male or female? New to toying or experienced? Do you want girth, texture, length or all of the above? Too much choice!!

Let’s strip it right back to the basics. First off, Are you using this toy Anally or Vaginally? Heck, it could be a combination of the two, but whichever you’ll be using it for most is something to keep in mind. If you’re new to anal you’ll want something small, tapered and easy to insert. Thankfully Bad Dragon does offer smaller toys (believe it or not) and models such as Elden, the Xeno and the Gryphon can be a lovely, unintimidating place to start. The great thing is that some, but not all, small toys can come equipped with a cumtube, which is super useful because remember guys, Butt’s don’t lubricate themselves! From personal experience, The small chance can be amazing for anal— don’t let his blunt head discourage you, once he’s in it’s a smooth ride from there.

If you’re a complete vaginal virgin, then I’d also recommend similar toys for you ladies. Smooth, tapered and easy to insert is super important if you’ve never experience any real penetration before. Unlike butts, Vagina’s can really suffer from being over exerted. Now I know butt’s can tear too, But vagina’s can easily get bruised, irritated and infected if pushed too far, too fast. Things such as yeast infections and UTI’s can be stirred up if you ladies aren’t careful. Again, Plenty of lubricant and patience is key to getting the most out of your new toy.

So you’ve eased yourself in to the world of Bad Dragon; What next? Time to upgrade! Now that you have an idea of your limits, you can really start having fun. Sticking with smalls at first, you can really start considering what you’d like to experience next. If your first toy was silky smooth, why not try something more textured like Clayton or Bruiser? Those ridges and bumps could stimulate spots that previously lay hidden and open your eyes to a whole new orgasmic world. Mediums aren’t out of the question, though. Because BD’s size standardising a little off, there are a couple models who’s medium sizes aren’t too wild a challenge for the inexperienced; The Gryphon, tentacle, fairy dragon, Doberman and xenogon are all within the realms of tameable, even if they’re a little long or wide toward the bottom, but that just gives you a little to work up to.

This is the fun thing about Bad Dragon toys.. Your favourite designs offer many different sizes and features, so even if you outgrow your old one you can always upgrade. And you know what upgrading means… New colours! New features! You can completely overhaul the toy you previously had to open a new world of fantasies. A new challenge lies ahead and it’s exciting. You get to relive the thrill of placing your order and waiting for those words to change to “Being Manufactured", “Packed" and finally “Shipped." I own many BD toys and I still get a rush of impatient excitement when I see that my toy’s status has changed. It’s always exciting to see how the Shop Dragon’s have crafted your special, individual toy, just for you.

So, my frisky little friends.. run free in a meadow of dongles! Embrace your sexuality and explore new things~ 

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